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Pagination reports API

If you suppose that the requested report might contain a large number of transactions, use the pagination report API.


Send the report request with the additional X-Api-Version: 3 request header and the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
report_params * required
object A section of report parameters.
date_type * required
string A date type.

Possible values:
from * required
string A start date of the reporting period in the YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format, for example 2020-01-01 12:00:00.

For the settled_at date type, set the date in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
to * required
string An end date of the reporting period in the YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format, for example 2020-01-01 15:00:00.

For the settled_at date type, set the date in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
status * required
string A transaction status.

Possible values:
payment_method_type * required
string A payment method.

Possible values:
time_zone * required
string A timezone name as defined here, for example Europe/London
starting_after string Forward pagination parameter. Accepts value last_object_id from the response.
ending_before string Reverse pagination parameter. Accepts value first_object_id from the response.
manual_correction_from string A start date of the reporting period with manually edited transactions in the YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format, for example 2020-01-01 12:00:00.
manual_correction_to string An end date of the reporting period with manually edited transactions in the YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format, for example 2020-01-01 15:00:00.
Example of the request
"report_params": {
    "from":"2020-09-11 00:00:00",
    "to":"2020-09-11 23:59:59",
Parameter Type Description
transactions * required
array An array of transactions for the requested report. The number of elements must be the same as in the count section. Each element represents a transaction entity with its own set of fields depending on the payment type and payment method used in this transaction.
count * required
integer A total number of transactions in the requested report.
has_more * required
boolean true - indicates that there are more transactions which meet the request parameters, but are not included in the response.
false - indicated that all transactions which meet the request parameters are included in the response.
first_object_id * required
string An ID of the first object returned in the response.
last_object_id * required
string An ID of the last object returned in the response.
Example of the successful response
    "transactions": [
            "billing_address": {
                "first_name": null,
                "last_name": null,
                "address": null,
                "country": null,
                "city": null,
                "zip": null,
                "state": null,
                "phone": null,
                "birth_date": null
            "customer": {
                "ip": "",
                "email": null
            "payment": {
                "gateway_id": 312,
                "ref_id": null,
                "message": null,
                "status": "incomplete",
                "gateway_name": "Demo",
                "auth_code": null,
                "bank_code": null,
                "rrn": null,
                "billing_descriptor": null
            "credit_card": {
                "holder": "JJJJ",
                "token": "544ffa4a-d16f-4ebb-b390-d997c29858c9",
                "brand": null,
                "last_4": "0000",
                "first_1": "4",
                "bin": "420000",
                "issuer_country": "IT",
                "issuer_name": "INVESTBANK",
                "exp_month": 12,
                "exp_year": 2027,
                "product": "VISA"
            "shop": {
                "id": 1
            "gateway_note": "",
            "uid": "20528-f87e29fa35",
            "id": 28860,
            "payment_method_type": "credit_card",
            "status": "incomplete",
            "message": null,
            "amount": 1000,
            "discount_rate": 0.0,
            "transaction_rate": 0.0,
            "pay_to_merchant": 0.0,
            "transaction_fee": 0.0,
            "test": false,
            "currency": "USD",
            "description": "Test description",
            "tracking_id": null,
            "type": "payment",
            "order_id": 27724,
            "created_at": "2022-01-27T14:07:00Z",
            "paid_at": null,
            "settled_at": null,
            "manually_corrected_at": null,
            "additional_data": {
                "request_id": "cb8ada4d-59cb-49c5-b6c5-3e679dd2c7c7",
                "browser": {
                    "screen_width": 1440,
                    "screen_height": 900,
                    "screen_color_depth": 24,
                    "language": "it",
                    "java_enabled": false,
                    "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/96.0.4664.110 Safari/537.36",
                    "time_zone": -180,
                    "time_zone_name": "Europe/London",
                    "window_height": 666,
                    "window_width": 600,
                    "accept_header": "application/json"
                "vendor": {
                    "name": "CTP",
                    "token": "18b3e6fe3d08edf84bb2fe60c9077c8b898a5bd58f7dc27cd2b286b6b10197d2"
                "tdsecure": {
                    "status": "incomplete",
                    "message": "Authentication Available",
                    "ve_status": "Y",
                    "acs_url": "",
                    "pa_req": "eJxVUtFy2jAQ/BVP3vFJslMwc9GMiRtCZkIpMCXpm7APYxJsIpsW/31PgJtWT7ennb3blXC5tUTJgtKjJY3PVNcmJ6/I7m5e5w8v4U8lF7civp/0B+OXZHajcRbP6UPjL7J1UZVa+sJXCB1kBZtuTdloNOnHaDLVkZQqihCuEPdkJ4mOuoNwaWBp9qTXdDBF5q9bhDPGtDqWjW01iyB0AI/2XW+b5lAPAXZ1r25MXpS5v6bcNPTbtH5a7QHB0RA+N5odXVWz7KnI9OrH03iVzM3z7mE5XY5G38Vb8O1rxrbjOwTHwIzltBJKCan6ngyHoj8UXxDOfTR7t4+WwhfCG71O2eOlgwc3KO6uhUD4t4OctaUybXUUBOyqQ0inQ1USM9jr3xozqlMd9JKFt6ms19iTp8StGvQ2gz6paGOCkBdyHIRPg/eP7gHShpOVQoYseEVuSMEZqtAlegUIjg/Xp+XEzr+Aq/9+xx/mJ7T7",
                    "md": "42877",
                    "pa_res_url": "",
                    "eci": null,
                    "pa_status": null,
                    "xid": null,
                    "cavv": null,
                    "cavv_algorithm": null,
                    "fail_reason": null,
                    "method_process_url": null
                "avs_cvc": {
                    "avs_verification": {
                        "result_code": null
                    "cvc_verification": {
                        "result_code": null
            "three_d_secure_verification": {
                "eci": null,
                "pa_status": null,
                "xid": null,
                "cavv": null,
                "cavv_algorithm": null,
                "ve_status": "Y",
                "message": "Authentication Available",
                "status": "incomplete"
            "billing_address": {
                "first_name": null,
                "last_name": null,
                "address": null,
                "country": null,
                "city": null,
                "zip": null,
                "state": null,
                "phone": null,
                "birth_date": null
            "customer": {
                "ip": "",
                "email": null
            "payment": {
                "gateway_id": 312,
                "ref_id": null,
                "message": null,
                "status": "incomplete",
                "gateway_name": "Demo",
                "auth_code": null,
                "bank_code": null,
                "rrn": null,
                "billing_descriptor": null
            "credit_card": {
                "holder": "John Doe",
                "token": "3379480e-4c10-4dbd-83a3-7a14d16baf1f",
                "brand": null,
                "last_4": "0007",
                "first_1": "4",
                "bin": "420000",
                "issuer_country": "IT",
                "issuer_name": "INVESTBANK",
                "exp_month": 1,
                "exp_year": 2027,
                "product": "VISA"
            "shop": {
                "id": 1
            "gateway_note": "",
            "uid": "20529-66a8451797",
            "id": 28861,
            "payment_method_type": "credit_card",
            "status": "incomplete",
            "message": null,
            "amount": 1000,
            "discount_rate": 0.0,
            "transaction_rate": 0.0,
            "pay_to_merchant": 0.0,
            "transaction_fee": 0.0,
            "test": false,
            "currency": "USD",
            "description": "Test description",
            "tracking_id": null,
            "type": "payment",
            "order_id": 27725,
            "created_at": "2022-01-27T14:11:53Z",
            "paid_at": null,
            "settled_at": null,
            "manually_corrected_at": null,
            "additional_data": {
                "request_id": "9e97e8ad-54e6-487f-9bc0-eae0b497f73f",
                "browser": {
                    "screen_width": 1920,
                    "screen_height": 1080,
                    "screen_color_depth": 24,
                    "language": "it",
                    "java_enabled": false,
                    "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:89.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/89.0",
                    "time_zone": -180,
                    "time_zone_name": "Europe/London",
                    "window_height": 666,
                    "window_width": 600,
                    "accept_header": "application/json"
                "vendor": {
                    "name": "CTP",
                    "token": "179a4105e3f25b2c0ec3e6daf6135629f2fc4caf66667346ae5aeb776c958b4b"
                "tdsecure": {
                    "status": "incomplete",
                    "message": "Authentication Available",
                    "ve_status": "Y",
                    "acs_url": "",
                    "pa_req": "eJxVUl1v4jAQ/CtR34k/AvSCFkvQqOpHgiCQVjwaZy+kVxJwQpv8+7MDoXd+mlmPZnfHhs1eIwZrVGeNAiKsKpmhk6fTu1X4kizDx9l8FUY8jrdeuA3uBCxnMZ4EfKGu8rIQzKUuB9JT46DVXha1AKlO8+eF8Bnjvg/kSuGA+jkQfn+AXApQyAOKHR5lnrq7FkjHQZXnotatMCZAegJn/Sn2dX2sJoR8VIOqllleZO4OM1njt2xdVR4IECsD8jPR8mxRZWybPBVJ0ry+vc2j+M/jg8GL6PNl/b5ZRO/JagrEKiA1doJTzinj9w4bThibjDwgXR3kwc4jGHUpdebbhdnxUoGjbTTrrykF8m8FTNYaC9UK3zNmNwbYHMsCjcLsesOQYqWENwjWzu9SO7VuHE5H3B+Mx/LXcMTu/bEZyGqA/Cz48GQfQNUmWUbZ0BhemW2SmwztTl0XS4BYPbk+rUms+wUG/fc7/gJV8bWH",
                    "md": "42878",
                    "pa_res_url": "",
                    "eci": null,
                    "pa_status": null,
                    "xid": null,
                    "cavv": null,
                    "cavv_algorithm": null,
                    "fail_reason": null,
                    "method_process_url": null
                "avs_cvc": {
                    "avs_verification": {
                        "result_code": null
                    "cvc_verification": {
                        "result_code": null
            "three_d_secure_verification": {
                "eci": null,
                "pa_status": null,
                "xid": null,
                "cavv": null,
                "cavv_algorithm": null,
                "ve_status": "Y",
                "message": "Authentication Available",
                "status": "incomplete"
    "count": 2,
    "has_more": false,
    "first_object_id": 28860,
    "last_object_id": 28861


If the has_more response parameter value is set to true, there are more transactions that meet the request parameters, but are not included in the response. Use forward and reverse pagination to get a report on all the transactions.

For the forward pagination, send another report request with the same parameters, but add the starting_after parameter and set its value to last_object_id from the response.

For the reverse pagination, send another report request with the same parameters, but add the ending_before parameter and set its value to first_object_id from the response.